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Zodiac Mantras For Success Part I

Zodiac Mantras For Success   Zodiac Mantras For Success ZODIAC MANTRAS PART I The Zodiac Signs also play a significant role in the life of the native. They are twelve in number. Each of the Zodiac sign has it planet which governs the sign besides there are planets which are either debilitated in the sign. […]

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Fasts/Vratas as a Remedy

Fasts/Vratas as a Remedy   Fasts/Vratas as a Remedy Vrat is one of the most significant, simple, facile and a traditional way of rectification of various kinds of maladies. The Sanskrit word ‘vrata’ denotes ‘religious vow’. It is one of the most widely used words in the Hindu religious and ritualistic literature. Derived from the […]

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GOOD BEHAVIOUR FOR PEACE AND HAPPINESS   Good Behaviour A person with a family should observe good behaviour because one cannot enjoy peace, happiness without good behaviour. Our ancient scriptures tell us about three types of good behaviour, non-judgemental, non-hurting and non-stealing. If a person behaves well throughout his life, hewill attain siddhi (Success in […]

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Rudrakshas And Its Uses

Rudrakshas And Its Uses Rudrakshas And Its Uses The best bead is of the Holy Rudraksha. The Rudrakshas have normally one to fourteen faces. Rudrakshas are mainly of 21 Types. Faces are Natural Lines found across the body of Rudrakshas. Every Rudraksha has a specific purpose. They are very auspicious and draws man near to […]

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Notable Herbs in Human Welfare

Notable Herbs in Human Welfare     Notable Herbs in Human Welfare Many herbs can be grown easily. City dwellers can raise them in pots lined up along the ledges of their windows. Country dwellers, can use their gardens. The Leaves and Seeds of the plants can be harvested for cooking or medicinal purposes. Following […]

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Therapy Through Colors

Therapy Through Colors     Therapy Through Colors Therapy Through Colors Color plays a very important part and has a definite function in our environment, attitudes, emotions, moods, thoughts, and behavior, clothes, and health. Colors are constantly with us in our home, clothes, shops, decoration, furnishings, and automobiles. Wherever life exists the Color also exists. […]

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Stotras and Sahasarnam For The Navgrah

Stotras and Sahasarnam II The Navgrah II     II The Navgrah II   The Navgrah Mantra Navgrah Mantra is a combined Mantra for all the nine planets. This is an extremely useful & beneficial Mantra, since it’s recital, on the one hand, strengthens benefic planets and increases their positive influences and on the other, propitiates malefic planets […]

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Stotras and Sahasarnam For The South Node of Chandra

Stotras and Sahasarnam II The Ketu II   II The Ketu II   The Ketu Mantra Ketu is the planet of spirituality. Ketu represents the spiritual process of evolution. Ketu is also not a material embodiment and is referred to as chaya graha ( Shadow Planet). Ketu is the southern point where the path of earth […]

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Stotras and Sahasarnam For The North Node of Chandra

Stotras and Sahasarnam II The Rahu II     II The Rahu II The Rahu Mantra The North Node of Chandra (Moon) is called Rahu in Hindu astrology. Rahu is not a material embodiment and is referred to as Chaya Graha (Shadow planet). Rahu is the northern point where the path of earth around Sun cuts the […]

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Stotras and Sahasarnam -The Saturn

Stotras and Sahasarnam II The Saturn II   II The Saturn II The Saturn Mantra Saturn, Sani also known as Manda means slow. It also means to be full of forgiveness, tolerance and peace as in “Shankara”, “shanno danti prachodayat”. Saturn indicates the solitaire life and spirituality. He signifies cold diseases, hard work, public office, […]

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