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Meditation with the senses

Meditation with the senses Meditation with the senses Meditation with the senses. Sit quietly with the stone you wish to explore just in front of you. Close your eyes and quieten your mind by focusing your attention on your breathing for a minute or two. Pick up the crystal and hold it comfortably in your […]

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Light: The Radiant Energy

Light: The Radiant Energy Light: The Radiant Energy, In our universe all light is an emanation from the central Sun. The Sun is the storehouse of all energies and potencies, the source of light, warmth, and motion on this planet. Light is radiant energy. The visible universe manifests on the physical plane through the cosmic […]

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The Planets and Our Bodies

The Planets and Our Bodies The Planets and Our Bodies Any astrologer or book on astrology will tell you that certain parts of the body are governed by specific planetary principles. For example, the knees, spleen, and skeletal system are under strong influence of the planet Saturn. In astrology they say that these parts of […]

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Healing Stones

Healing Stones     Healing Stones It is seen that many stones have been credited with the power either to cure or relieve certain ailments. Physicians of past centuries often recommended that stones should be strung together and worn as a necklace. The following list have been derived from the writings of Theophrastus, Pliny, Dioscoridcs, […]

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Benefits of Pure and Natural Opal Gemstone

Opal Gemstone : Opal gemstone is a semi-precious gemstone found in a variety of colors like white, blue, pink and green. It is the substitute gemstone of diamond after white sapphire. Natural Opal gemstone is a very attractive Gemstone in color-tone and appearance due to its beauty and ‘play of color’ (Fire) effect. Natural Opal […]

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Mantras for specific Inner Conditions

Mantras for specific Inner Conditions     Mantras for specific Inner Conditions   These Mantras Should Never be forced upon anyone. You should not even attempt to be persuasive about their use. If you think someone will benefit from these Mantras feel free to recommend them these Mantras. Mantras for reducing Fear and Anger, and […]

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Mantras for Self-Empowerment

Mantras for Self-Empowerment   This blog provides mantras you can use to gain power for the pursuit of your spiritual, creative, educational, and professional goals. Mantras for Confidence and Mental Strength People, particularly women profess a lack of self-confidence. In Such cases the following Mantra is recommended. Associated with the feminine principle, this mantra produces […]

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Fundamental Truths to remember about Mantras

Fundamental Truths to remember about Mantras   Mantras are energy-based sounds- Words used in conversation derive their power from the meaning they convey. Mantra derives its power from the energy effect its sounds produce. Pronouncing a mantra creates a particular physical vibration in the form of sound that in turn produces various “energetic effects“ in […]

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Gems in Clinical Healing

Gems in Clinical Healing Gems in Clinical Healing These days we are finding that the clinical applications of gems are being realized by quite a number of health professionals. Especially in Europe many clinics equip themselves with different types of electronic instruments. Not only gem therapy, but milder forms of color therapy, electronic-laser acupuncture, and […]

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Zodiac Mantras For Success Part II

Zodiac Mantras For Success   Zodiac Mantras For Success ZODIAC MANTRAS PART II The Zodiac Signs also play a significant role in the life of the native. They are twelve in number. Each of the Zodiac sign has it planet which governs the sign besides there are planets which are either debilitated in the sign. […]

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Credibility Since 1937
World Wide safe & insured shipping
Indian Govt Lab & International reputed labs Certification
Complete in house setup of Vedic poojas & Energization as per authentic ancient rituals.
Scientific Research Centre-Gems/ Rudrakshas/Yagyas Healing Therapy & Vedic Astrology
Authentic world renown genuine vedic astrologers available for guidance

Affiliations & Certifications PureVedicGems is proudly associated with world’s leading gemology
institutes and organizations

Gubelin Gemlab
Gemological Institute of America
Gemmological Institute of India
Indian Institute of Gems & Jewellery
International Gemological Institute
Gem Research SwissLab