Notable Herbs in Human Welfare
Vikas September 7, 2018 in
Gallery Notable Herbs in Human Welfare

Notable Herbs in Human Welfare
Many herbs can be grown easily. City dwellers can raise them in pots lined up along the ledges of their windows. Country dwellers, can use their gardens. The Leaves and Seeds of the plants can be harvested for cooking or medicinal purposes.
Following are the uses of herbs that can usually be easily grown at home.
Anise (Pimpinella anisum)
Anise being an antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, digestive, expectorant, stimulant, stomachic and tonic is used for gastric problems, improves appetite and to promote digestion, It also helps in alleviating nausea and cramps and gives relief from flatulence and colic.
Basil (Ocimum basilicum)
Sweet basil leaves is used in salads, gravies and tomato dishes. The seeds exhibit an antibacterial property. It has an aromatic, volatile and camphoraceous oil, used to treat headaches and as a mild sedative.
Sweet basil is used to treat digestive problems, works as a mild laxative being an aromatic, appetizer, antispasmodic, carminative, stomachic and galactagogue. It is helpful for stomach cramps, gastric catarrh, vomiting, intestinal catarrh, constipation and enteritis.
Aloe is a bitter tonic, purgative, anti-inflammatory, vulnerary, rejuvenative, and alterative. Aloe Gel is one of the important tonic for liver and spleen, for blood, for regulating pitta and the female reproductive system.
Now Aloe has become a tradition in beauty care, being an important element in many types of beauty products. The fresh Gel is very effective for treatments of burns, skin rashes, injuries, and wounds. Aloe powder is a powerful laxative that must be taken in small quantity.
Coriander ( Coriandrum sativum)
The seeds of coriander may be used in hot curries and sauces and sparingly in soups and stews. The seeds are a good household remedy for many pitta disorders, mainly of digestive tract or urinary system. They provide good flavouring for sausage, cabbage, red beets, cookies, baked apples and stuffing. If used freely, the seeds have a narcotic effect.
Coriander is an appetizer, antispasmodic, carminative, stomachic and aromatic, used in sore throat, improves digestion and good for dyspepsia and dysentery, but chiefly as a flavouring agent and as a corrective to griping medicines as rhubarb and senna. The oil may be applied for rheumatism and painful joints. The fresh juice is effective internally for allergies, hay fever and skin diseases.
Garlic ( Allium sativum)
It is used all round medicinally. When taken in diet, it keeps cold away and helps heart fit & fine. Gives a sense of wholeness to the person. It lack sour taste, rest all other six tastes are present. It is considered a rejuvenate agent for both kapha and vata. It cleanses ama kapha from the blood and lymphatic.
It is an antispasmodic, stimulant, carminative, anti helmintic, and diuretic, cholagogue, expectorant.
Cloves / Lavanga (Caryophyllus aromaticus)
It is spicy and warm. The parts used are the flower bud. Clove oil is composed of eugenol caryophyllene, acetyl eugenol, tannin, wax and fat.
Cloves which are the dried flower buds of the tree, are strongly aromatic, tonic stimulant, and carminative, diuretic. Clove oil is used as antiseptic and preservative.
Taken internally, it is carminative and antispasmodic.It dispels chill and disinfect the lymphatic, along with rock candy, they are effective in cough and cold. It is given in fever, deranged menstruation, hysteria, convulsions, rheumatism, and gout and also used in perfumery. It has rajasic quality.
Ginger/ Adraka (Zingiber officinale)
It is stimulant, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, carminative, and emmenagogue. It is best and most sattvic of the spices.
Dried ginger is aromatic and carminative, produces a sensation of warmth internally and expels flatus, while fresh ginger is more used as a warming diaphoretic. It is given in colic, relaxed throat and to increase the saliva. When chewed fresh ginger is stomachic and digestive.
With honey, ginger relives kapha, with rock candy it relives pitta, with rock salt it relives vata. The uses of ginger in digestive and respiratory disease are widely known.
Turmeric /Haldi (Curcuma longa)
The parts used are rhizome. It is bitter, pungent, heating, astringent, aromatic stimulant, cholagogue, analgesic, astringent, antiseptic, emmenagogue.
It regulates the menses, aids digestion, dissolves gallstones, decongests the liver.
Used externally or internally, turmeric promotes proper metabolism in the body correcting both excesses and deficiencies. It helps in the digestion of protein. A condiment for cooking, it is the main ingredient in curry. It is a tonic for skin, taken internally as a milk decotion.
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