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Blue Sapphire in Vedic Astrology – Pure Vedic Gems

-Blue Sapphire in Vedic Astrology – Blue Sapphire is considered the most dreaded stone in Vedic Astrology. And perhaps the most misunderstood also. Blue Sapphire gives strong and extreme results. It represents Planet Shani and Planet Shani is the judgement planet in Vedic Astrology, so it judges our lives according to its placement in our […]

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Gemstones Therapy for Diseases

Gemstones Therapy for Diseases Ayurveda mentions Mani (Gemstones), Mantra and Medicine are all useful to cure disease and to maintain sound health. As per Ayurveda, there are seven elements in the body that maintain good health and are a cause of the growth of body and different disease. The seven planets Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, […]

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Benefits of Saturn in 8th House of Horoscope-

Saturn in the 8th House of Horoscope- Saturn in the 8th House / Benefits of Saturn in 8th House of Horoscope /Characteristics of Saturn in 8th House of Horoscope- Benefits of Saturn in 8th House of Horoscope- This is a mixed position for Saturn, as it is for other hard stars like Mars, Sun, Rahu, […]

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Blue Stones, the stones of planet Saturn.

Blue Stones, the stones of planet Saturn. Sapphire The magnificent and holy Sapphire has its name derived from the Latin Sapphires, Greek Sappheiros, and Sanskrit sanipryam, meaning ‘Blue Stone.’ In ancient times its heavenly blue signified celestial hope and faith; it was believed to bring protection and good fortune. It is a jewel steeped in […]

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Importance of different gemstone in human life.

Importance of different gemstone in human life. Energized gemstones are powerful precious gemstones containing benefits associated with uplifting your soul in a spiritual context and solving a variety of problems faced by you on the financial end or from a career etc. Listed here are some of the most powerful gemstones. Associated with each is […]

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Iolite, the semi precious stone, substitute for Blue sapphire gemstone.

Iolite, the semi precious stone, substitute for Blue sapphire gemstone. Iolite is a beautiful violet-blue stone representing royalty and wisdom. Iolite is a great alternative for expensive blue stones due to relatively high availability and affordability. It is an astrological substitute for blue sapphire. Iolite brings success, stability, and strength. Iolite crystals are usually transparent to […]

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Benefits of Pure and Natural Blue Sapphire gemstone.

Benefits of Pure and Natural Blue Sapphire gemstone. Blue sapphire is a highly precious, blue colored gemstone of the corundum mineral family. It is recognized as the most powerful and fastest acting gemstone in Vedic astrology. Blue Sapphire represents planet Saturn (Shani). Blue Sapphire is a very precious and expensive stone. Blue sapphire is also […]

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Seventh Manifestation of Goddess Durga-(Maa Kalaratri )

Maa Kalaratri – The Worship of the Fiercest Forms of Godess Durga on 7th Navratri :- Maa Kalaratri is the seventh Shakti form of Maa Durga. The seventh day of Navratri pooja is dedicated to Durga Kalaratri. This is the most violent forms of Godess Durga. Kalaratri is one of the Fiercest forms of Durga […]

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How do astro gemologists choose blue sapphire qualities for individuals?

How do astro gemologists choose blue sapphire qualities for individuals? In the unique and intriguing world where astrology meets gemology, a field referred to as astro-gemology emerges in which blue sapphires occupy a revered position. These gems are celebrated not only for their breathtaking beauty but also for their astrological importance. Astro-gemologists (experts in gemology […]

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Credibility Since 1937
World Wide safe & insured shipping
Indian Govt Lab & International reputed labs Certification
Complete in house setup of Vedic poojas & Energization as per authentic ancient rituals.
Scientific Research Centre-Gems/ Rudrakshas/Yagyas Healing Therapy & Vedic Astrology
Authentic world renown genuine vedic astrologers available for guidance

Affiliations & Certifications PureVedicGems is proudly associated with world’s leading gemology
institutes and organizations

Gubelin Gemlab
Gemological Institute of America
Gemmological Institute of India
Indian Institute of Gems & Jewellery
International Gemological Institute
Gem Research SwissLab