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Iolite, the semi precious stone, substitute for Blue sapphire gemstone.

Iolite, the semi precious stone, substitute for Blue sapphire gemstone.


Iolite is a beautiful violet-blue stone representing royalty and wisdom. Iolite is a great alternative for expensive blue stones due to relatively high availability and affordability. It is an astrological substitute for blue sapphire. Iolite brings success, stability, and strength. Iolite crystals are usually transparent to translucent forms of the minerals. Iolite ranges in color from light to dark blue and even violet. However, the stone is also known to occur in different hues including green, brown, yellow and grey. The most desirable shade of iolite crystal is a very intense violet blue that rivals that of tanzanite. This stone is known as “Viking compass†and carries the spirit of journey, dreams, intuition, exploration and illumination. Iolite is also known as guiding stone that helps you to move both physically and spiritually from one realm into another.

Benefits of Iolite stone.

  • Iolite crystals are used to help recover a lost sense of balance. This stone is recommended for those who are suffering from a feeling of disorientation or a lack of motivation.
  • This stone strengthens our resolve to take on new responsibilities and carry them out properly.
  • Iolite is also recommended to those who are lacking perspective and wish to bring order to a chaotic life or busy schedule through small, practical methods.
  • This stone is great for boosting the immune system and supporting a strong constitution.
  • This stone is good for conditions of the liver and liver and promotes detoxification by reducing fatty deposits in the body.
  • This stone is excellent for regulating digestion.
  • It stimulates memory and helps those suffering from insomnia enjoy better sleep, as well as prevent nightmares and any disturbances in sleeping patterns.
  • Iolite stones have been used to treat malaria and another ailment that induce fevers, as well as enhance the growth of your hair and nails.
  • Iolite is recognized as the best astrological stone that supports its wearer in professional and career and builds new aspects of success.
  • It is helpful in enhancing your financial growth by reducing all the growth barriers.
  • By wearing this mystical and glamorous stone, you can improve your health and get rid of diseases.
  • Astrologer suggests this semi-precious gemstone for people dealing with mental stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts.
  • Iolite effectively separates a person from drinking, smoking, and toxic activities.

What weight of Iolite is considered the best?

Minimum 1/10th of the body weight. A person weighing 60 kgs can wear a 6 carat stone.

Who should wear Iolite gemstone?

As per the Vedic astrology, it is associated with Saturn planet and renowned as the shani priya stone that heals the problems of its wearer. Astrologer prescribe this phenomenal gemstone to those who are suffering in phase of shani ki dhasa, mahadasha, and shani sade sati. It effectively improves Saturn’s position in the wearer’s horoscope. It is also beneficial stone for Makar and Kumbh (Capricorn and Aquarius) rashi as per the Indian astrology.

For 100% Natural, Astro-Rashi Approved, Lab Certified Gemstones/Rudrakshas:


Book Your Astrological Consultancy.

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