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Benefits of Saturn in 8th House of Horoscope-

Saturn in the 8th House of Horoscope-

8th House

Saturn in the 8th House / Benefits of Saturn in 8th House of Horoscope /Characteristics of Saturn in 8th House of Horoscope-

Benefits of Saturn in 8th House of Horoscope-

This is a mixed position for Saturn, as it is for other hard stars like Mars, Sun, Rahu, Herschell and Neptune to add or reduce the good and bad results of Saturn in the 8 house.

These hard stars distinctly give benefits in terms of the source of income, but give minor or major complaints of health, especially when these stars have their mahadasa or antardasa.

Thus Saturn in the 8th house gives higher income, sometimes helps in recovery of old loans and old dues, creates scope for expansion of source of income, all the more so if the source of other element discussed in income is industrial venture or any in the beginning paragraphs, under Saturn.

However, it has to be borne in mind that if Jupiter too is in the 6th, 8th or the 12th d house, the individual might be accused of tax evasion, direct smuggling or giving shelter or other accommodation or financial support to smugglers.

This position poses scope in searches and seizures, enquiries, surveys, investigations and events, legal action against the individual.

In case Saturn owns the 4th, 7th or the 11 th house and is in the 8th house, the individual might be accused of petty thefts within the house in childhood and bigger theft/embezzlement or pilferage in adulthood.

It is the duty of the parents that if they find such a position of Saturn in the Birth-chart of an infant, they should inculcate into the child, good qualities of honesty and truthfulness.

They should let the child know the risks and dangers involved in the bad habit of theft, embezzlement and pilferage.

These individuals prove brave and courageous fighters on the battlefield, not given to easy retreat in spite of injuries and wounds.

They prove expert and efficient strategists in matters of battle, war, border skirmishes, and are foresighted planners in matters related to the ordinance.

They prove their skill in managing transport facilities in defence and police services in times of emergency.

They are good at management of labour and problems related to them, created or agitated by labour.

These individuals are expert engineers, especially for the establishment of new industries, acquiring big and small machines and installation of the machines and commissioning them into production.

However, their job ends with the product getting out of the factory gates.

They are not so good at actual marketing. As regards health, these individuals have always to be careful, especially when Saturn is in transit over the 4th, 8th or 12th house or Saturn has its own mahadasa with antardasa of any star in 6:8 relationship with Saturn or Saturn’s antardasa under any such star’s mahadasa.

Saturn is capable of giving long-.term illness including wound(s) going septic or gangrenous.

Similarly, if it is a case of fracture of bone(s), recovery might take time and some kind of invalidity might still be left behind causing complaints subsequently under climatic conditions.

Saturn is also capable of causing tuberculosis, cancer (when getting support from Mars or Neptune) venereal disease of any kind

(specially if mars in 2nd house, 7 th house or the 12 th house or venus in 6th or 8 th house).

Saturn is capable of causing invalidity or ineffectiveness of any limb or part the body but it has to be carefully noted that Saturn in the 8th house normally grants long life to an individual, notwithstanding any kind of disability, invalidity or ineffectiveness to any limb or part or functionary of the body


Individuals with Saturn in the 8th house should keep away from freelance attitude with regard to the opposite sex, and also avoid extra-marital affairs or casual contacts with the opposite sex for clean and comfortable health.

Further, the individual shouldn’t be cruel to the spouse, whatever the pressure from the family on either side, because (a) firstly, there is always scope for police or legal issues from the spouse.

It applies to both husband and wife. Print and visual action in the matter and (b) secondly, the risk to the life and limb of media often publicise news of wife’s torture by the husband or his family.

ln cases of wife and her family harassing, blackmailing and torturing the husband and/or his family, through that news hardly find coverage in the media. But the individual should pay special attention to keep away from any legal problem relating to violence and also from the opposite sex because the chances are strong for police action including arrest and further legal action in the matter.

Often Saturn gives settlement in a town or district or state or country other than one’s native one.

Thus high income in a town or country other than one’s native one would not prove full and fair compensation for the legal problems coming up on account of acts of commission and omission of the individual himself or herself. There would be good and dependable friends even in foreign places too, and they would come forward in an event of injury to the individual.

But rarely a friend would come forward to help or support in case of police or legal action of any kind against the individual.

As has already been suggested above, while examining the position of Saturn in the 8th house in Birth-chart and/or Navamsha-chart, an astrologer shouldn’t overlook the contemporary position of Jupiter (and sometimes Mars too ) in both, Birth-chart and Navamsha-chart.


Remedies –

Person, who has Saturn Planet in 8th House with good aspect and placement or lord of the 8th  house then he or she can wear Blue Sapphire (Neelam Quality)  Gemstone. click here to view our product This will boost up their administration ability, business skills, successful career and help in business. If Saturn placed with negative aspects then he or she does Mrityunjaya mantra.

Note: Always wear Astrological Gemstones only after consulting your Horoscope with a Learned Vedic Astrologer –

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