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Planets and their gems-Ruby

Planets and their gems

using ruby for the Sun


Jyotish Ruby for the Sun

Planets and their gems : An enormous amount of information is gathered about a person’s life and attributes by the Position of the Sun at the time of his or her birth. Western astrology is very ‘personality-based,’ and this is why within it so much emphasis is placed on the Sun as if most people in the West gather the bulk of their information about astrology from either daily newspaper columns or from commercially-oriented magazines. Planetary gemology requires that we determine how the Sun’s rays will be increased through wearing a ruby, if doing so will have a positive effect, and whether or not there will be an adverse effect on any other planetary rays.

The first consideration is the inherent ‘strength’ of the Sun: it must be determined how the Sun fares in the sign and house which it occupies. If the Sun is already very strong, then there is no need for a ruby to be worn. This can be seen by the strength the physical constitution of personality in most instances, and by the physical constitution of the body. If the pitta or fire in the body is very strong, then further increasing may cause imbalances and disease to manifest. If it is weak, then there may be good reason to recommend the wearing of a ruby.

Another primary consideration is whether the stone is generally suitable for being worn according to the ascendant—whether the house it rules is an auspicious house or a maraka (death-inflicting house such as the 2nd or 7th besides the obvious 8th), etc.

When Aries rises, Mars is the ascendant lord. The Sun will therefore rule the 5th house, as he is the lord of Leo. The relationship of the Sun with Mars is friendly, and the house ruled by the Sun is an auspicious trine. Bearing this in mind, we therefore know that the first ‘tests’ are passed for recommending a ruby at all. The Gems may increase one’s position or prestige in life, and as the 5th house is in relation to children, it may help one in bearing good children. It Can also help one in gaining education educating others, or enhance one’s spiritual progress if one inclined. Especially during the Sun’s dasha or bhukti there may be increased gains in these or other areas ruled by the Sun or 5th house.

For Taurus ascendant, Venus is the lord of the 1st house. Here the Sun rules the 4th house, which is an auspicious kendra house, but it is in an inimical relationship with the ascendant lord, so in this case the general rule is that a ruby would not be worn. There are, however, certain very specific conditions in which the gem could be considered more suitable for some persons to wear, such as when the Sun is occupying the 10th house or during its planetary periods.

When Gemini rises, Mercury becomes the ascendant lord. The Sun has positive relationship with Mercury and also rules a house important to activities involving communication. Generally we do not recommend the wearing of a ruby for these ascendents, but sometimes, if the Sun is in its own sign of Leo, thus placing it in the 3rd house, it may be useful to wear.

For Cancer ascendants, the Moon is the ruler. The Sun then becomes lord of the 2nd house, and as previously mentioned,

This is an auspicious house in the minds of most people today. The Sun is a great friend to the Moon, and the general rule is that a ruby may be considered for use.

When Leo rises, the Sun is obviously lord of the ascendant. Being the most important house for determining general health, life-span, direction, and aptitudes in life, a ruby can be extremely beneficial for those with this ascendant.

Virgo ascendant is ruled by Mercury, as is Gemini, making the Sun the ruler of the inauspicious (materially speaking) 12th house. Again the relationship is friendly for the Sun with this ascendant lord, but it is not generally recommended to wear a ruby. It may however be useful to do so if the Sun is in Leo in the 12th house, or during his planetary periods.

If Libra rises, Then Venus is lord of the ascendant. The Sure has inimical relationship with Venus, but is lord of the 11th house of gains. Many times I have seen that in this situation wearing the ruby has been beneficial for gaining wealth or a higher status in life. It can also strengthen the physical body, bolster the immune system, and help one to enjoy a full life-span.

Scorpio ascendants are ruled by Mars. The Sun is a friend to Mars and rules the all-auspicious 10th house as well. Here the ruby becomes a very suitable recommendation in many cases. It increases the aforementioned categories of the Sun such as wealth, power, and social standing.

When Sagittarius rises, Jupiter is lord of the ascendant. The Sun is a friend to this ruler of the ascendant, and also rules the auspicious 9th house of bhagya or fortune. Again ruby is generally a good gem to consider for these natives.

For Capricorn ascendant, Saturn is the ruler. The Sun is an enemy here and also rules the 8th house, which makes ruby a generally unsuitable choice. There are considerations which can make the gem useful at times perhaps if the Sun is posited in the 8th house and its dasha or bhukti is running; but as a rule of thumb it is not to be worn.


Aquarius ascendant is also ruled by Saturn, so again there is an inimical relationship for the Sun with this lord. Although the 7th house is a kendra and therefore an auspicious house, ruby is not usually recommended to wear. There may be some benefit if the Sun is in Leo, but then only during its periods.

Pisces ascendant is ruled by the benefic planet Jupiter, who has a friendly relationship with the Sun. Leo here occupies the 6th house, so unless the Sun tenants the 6th house and its dasha is running, it is certainly not very wise to consider wearing a ruby.

The next consideration, which may alter the primary one somewhat, is the actual house placement of the Sun itself, because this is where the Sun is exerting its energy.

If the Sun is in the 1st house, wearing a ruby may increase leadership capabilities. It can help a person to overcome the envy of others, and further increase their stamina in regard to achieving their goals. If the Sun owns a suitable house for recommendation of a ruby, then the gem will do much to advance a person in a gainful manner. It may cause some persons to become overly self-centered or proud, though, if there is already any inclination in this direction.

Wearing a ruby when the Sun is in the 2nd house may increase the capacity for earning to a significant degree. It may also help a person to speak openly more forcefully.

If the Sun is in the 3rd house, the ruby can help with all sorts of communicative endeavors, especially writing or other artistic endeavors.

In the 4th house position wearing a ruby for the Sun may help with property deals or acquisitions and in educational endeavors.

If the Sun is in the 5th house, the ruby may increase one’s reputation in the entertainment field or as a teacher or counselor.

If stomach difficulties are inherent, then one drawback is that it may increase this problem as well.

Wearing a ruby for the Sun in a 6th house placement is usually very good for defeating enemies or opponents. It may help to strengthen the health overall, and is very good for those in the legal profession or politics for extending their influence.

If the Sun is in the 7th house, wearing a ruby may be helpful in dealings with the public or in business affairs. It can also increase rebelliousness and an argumentative nature, however, and so won’t help in intimate relations or marital affairs.

If the Sun is placed in the 8th house, then wearing a ruby may strengthen the eyes and digestion. It can also act as an aid to those who engage in mystical studies or meditation, and may amplify clairvoyant/ psychic perception.

For the Sun in the 9th house position ruby can increase one’s influence over others, but may also have a tendency to influence behavior that will displease authority figures. If energy is property harnessed, a person may be inspired to channel it into charitable or philanthropic avenues to help others.

For the Sun in the 10th house ruby will have a wonderful influence in expanding one’s career, thereby affording one a good reputation and general success in the eyes of others.

If posited in the 11th house it may bring association with important persons, greater income, and material gains without too much effort. As with other placements, strengthening the Sun in this house may increase self-centeredness if this is an attribute which is already evident in one’s personality.

When the Sun is in the 12th house position, wearing a ruby will increase one’s spiritual direction and dedication. It may strengthen the eyesight both externally and ‘internally’ (in the matter of Self-realization). If the person must take action as a leader, this will help greatly, as generally such action is not to one’s liking when the Sun is in the 12th house.

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