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Planets and Their gems Hessonite

Planets and their gems

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Hessonite Garnet (Gomed) for Rahu

Hessonite Garnet (Gomed) for Rahu. Rahu, also called ‘the Dragon’s Head’ or north node of the Moon by Western astrologers, is a malefic planet by nature. He causes all sorts of chaos, frustrations, and suffering by creating enmity with others or by inciting insatiable sexual or worldly desires. Criminals, terrorists, and revolutionaries are all ruled by Rahu. When Rahu is powerfully situated in one’s natal horoscope he can bestow great fame, power, and influence over others, and huge gains in material wealth. Nonetheless, he is never capable of giving any genuine satisfaction despite all temporary material gains.

If Rahu is badly situated at the time of one’s birth, one may be illogical, selfish, and extremely insensitive to others. There can he great fear within, and perhaps even suicidal tendencies. Intense or dark imagination may be exhibited, and hallucinations and drug addictions are common when this planet is afflicting. There is nothing impossible for a person to do when under such a malefic influence, including torture or murder. In the physical body all sorts of physical and mental disorders and diseases of the immune system may arise, as previously discussed. Many undiagnosable or incurable diseases are caused by Rahu’s malefic influence.

The hessonite garnet or gomed is used to strengthen Rahu. It may make the imagination more creative in a positive way and reduce the propensity to become overwhelmed by fear. It may also increase one’s ambitiousness and help in treating certain degenerative diseases. It is said to be able to avert disasters and protect against evil spirits, as well as counteract the effects of radiation. Rahu owns no signs on his own, although he is less harmful or more powerful in some signs than in others. The same holds true in relation to his position in the houses, as will be delineated. Rahu is an enemy to the Sun, Moon, and Mars. Jupiter is neutral. Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are friendly with Rahu. In this section i will simply state the signs wherein Rahu may be posited (rather than the ascendant and its lord) in regard to the wearing of hessonite.

Generally I only recommend that hessonite be worn during the dasha or bhuktis of Rahu, and not as a ‘lifelong companion’ gems. There is no hard-and-fast rule of definite recommen-dation, even in the cases where I am suggesting that it may be worn. One would do well to remember that Rahu and Ketu will mirror the energies of the planet ruling the houses in which they are posited, so great care must be taken in recommending stones for malefics as negative effects may be exacerbated it they are wrongly prescribed. Each case must be considered individually.

When Rahu is in Aries, hessonite should never be worn. I have yet to see any positive effects from wearing it in this sign, and it can make the malefic aspects far worse.

When Rahu is in Gemini he is also very strong, and some astrologers consider this to be an exaltation sign. It may be possible to wear hessonite for positive results here.

For Rahu in Cancer, the wearing of hessonite should never be prescribed. It can easily create dark and dangerous moods in a person’s psyche and be emotionally devastating.

When Rahu is in Leo some astrologers say he is strong, but here again I warn against wearing the hessonite. It can cause immune system diseases to go out of control, and I have personally witnessed its negative effects. I had one client come to see me who had Rahu in Leo and was having horrendous skin and bowel problems, as well as mood swings. Someone had advised her to wear a hessonite, but I told her to immediately take it off, and within a matter of days her physical condition began to clear up and her emotions were much more under control.

If Rahu is in Virgo he is also fairly strong and hessonite may be a choice of gems.

When Rahu tenants the sign of Libra, many times we have seen very good results from wearing the hessonite.

When Rahu tenants the sign of Scorpio, he is said to be debilitated. My general method is to strengthen a planet’s benefic aspects, if at all possible, rather than wearing the hessonite, although for some it may be prescribed after very careful consideration.

For Rahu in Sagittarius hessonite will often bring positive effects during the planetary periods of Rahu. Here spiritual aspiration may be enhanced, and many times the more malefic traits are somewhat curtailed.

When Rahu is in Capricorn wearing the hessonite may be a viable recommendation in some cases, but again, a great deal of thought and consideration must be there before arriving at such a decision. Although friendly to Saturn, the lord of Capricorn, there may be an increase in malefic traits.

If Rahu is posited in Aquarius, the same holds true as with Capricorn. One should be very careful before making any decision regarding the wearing of hessonite here, and if there is any uncertainty, then someone who has greater experience in planetary gemological recommendations can be consulted.

For Rahu in Pisces hessonite may be a good choice of gem in many instances. As with Sagittarius, both are ruled by Jupiter and so more spiritual qualities may be brought out through wearing this gem.

When Rahu tenants the 1st house wearing a hessonite increase one’s spiritual tendencies, but more often it increases the sexual drive and has a detrimental effect on relationships.

If Rahu tenants the 2nd house wearing a hessonite may decrease one’s finances, yet intensify one’s eating habits or intoxicative tendencies. It is not a good placement for enhancing the energies of Rahu, so the gomed should not be worn.

When Rahu occupies the 3rd house position wearing a hessonite may make a person more determined in their communication or actions. It may increase one’s earning potential in some cases, but may also make already-existing relationship difficulties or other family problems even worse.

It Rahu tenants the 4th house wearing the hessonite may bestow greater influence or power over others, but may also have a negative impact on one’s personal moral conduct.

When Rahu is in the 5th house wearing of the hessonite should by all means be avoided, as it would worsen stomach problems, romantic conflicts, and emotional disturbances.

When Rahu tenants the 6th house wearing hessonite may help in enterprises involving foreign countries or an import-export business. It may give a person strength of will in competition with others and help one to work even harder for success. In some cases it may exacerbate psychic problems with ghosts or other disembodied entities, often referred to as ‘psychic attacks.’

For Rahu in the 7th house position wearing a hessonite usually not recommended. It will play havoc with marital or other relationships and increase mental agitation. For those not likely to be affected in these ways due to age or circumstance, however, wearing the gomed may help to enhance their communicative abilities or their determination to perform work efficiently.

If Rahu tenants the 8th house wearing the hessonite may increase one’s tendencies toward illegal activities or involvement with unwholesome occupations, and may worsen one’s interactions with other people as well. In some very specific cases such as medical professionals, it may increase their abilities so long as there are no other factors which would yield a detrimental effect as a result of wearing this gem.

When Rahu tenants the 9th house wearing a hessonite may help a person engaged in political work or move one further in a spiritual direction. It can also enhance one’s power and influence over others.

In the 10th house position wearing a hessonite for Rahu Can help to raise one’s social stature, bring riches, and facilitate one in better performing difficult works. It may also help one to succeed in humanitarian works undertaken on other’s behalf.

When Rahu tenants the 11th house we have about the best position to further strengthen by wearing the hessonite. It increases influence, earnings, and determination in fulfilling material desires.

When Rahu is in 12th house position it is generally not a good idea to wear hessonite. It can cause nightmares or make sexual affairs more troublesome. It can increase the ‘loss’ aspect of the 12th house, so we do not ever recommend it.

About Hessonite (Gomedh) Qualities and Prices:-

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