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Kyanite stone, the best substitute for Blue Sapphire gemstone.

Kyanite stone, the best substitute for Blue Sapphire gemstone.

kyanite substitute for blue sapphire

Kyanite is alluring vivid blue green-hued stone from the silicate mineral family. Kyanite is known to enhance self expression, communication and holds metaphysical properties. It is a beautiful, luxurious, and rare stone found primarily in metamorphic rocks. Most of the time kyanite is found in schists, taking the form of bladed crystals and in rare cases radiating masses of crystals. These stones typically come from places like Myanmar, Cambodia, Kenya, Nepal, Tibet, Brazil, Switzerland, Russia, and certain states in America. The highest quality and most authentic kyanite gemstones today still come from Nepal and Tibet.

Benefits of kyanite stone.

  • This attractive healing stone has great healing powers with which it stimulates all the chakras in the body for overall well being.
  • It enhances communication and mental clarity by deflecting unwanted thoughts.
  • This stone helps with voice recognition, expression/self- expression, and contact with spirit guides.
  • This gemstone opens the throat chakras and improves the ability to express one’s thought.
  • This gemstone promotes a positive attitude by removing anger, depression, frustration, or stress of any type.
  • It is a gemstone which helps in meditation. It also induces third eye chakras which expands the horizons of creativity, perception, and agility in a person.
  • Kyanite balances the yin and yang energies to strengthen the body and soul.
  • Due to its gentle powers that are extremely calming, it brings tranquility and removes all the obstructions from the mind and soul.
  • Kyanite aids to heal the diseases related to hearing impairments, eyes, thyroid, upper lungs, parathyroid, vocal cord, neck and also the sense of smell.
  • This stone controls blood pressure and enhances body motion.
  • Kyanite is also said to help you manifest new opportunities, ideas and possibilities through action.

Who should wear Kyanite?

People who are looking for healing gemstones that improve communication would do well to invest in kyanite jewelry, much the same as anyone with the zodiac signs of the Taurus, Aries, or Libra. Those who are looking for an alternative to the often expensive blue sapphire gemstone can take comfort in the fact that some kyanite stones have been so historically similar to the colors of a sapphire that even official mineralogists were unable to discern between the two and mistakenly labeled kyanite as Sapphire.

How to use kyanite stone?

  • You can either place it on the body if you are lying down, or simply hold it in the center of your body as you sit and relax.
  • You will feel the energy move both up and down through the chakras aligning them and clearing any negative energy there.
  • Once you relax into meditation, simply leave it there for however long seems right for you, you will know intuitively when the chakras are aligned, and it won’t take long.
  • This a strong crystal energy stone and will work very well if used with other high vibration stones.
  • Blue kyanite has a powerful energy yet it’s gentle and balanced, and takes you easily to the higher spiritual realms.

For 100% Natural, Astro-Rashi Approved, Lab Certified Gemstones/Rudrakshas:


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